Dushanbe, Tajikistan: ICMPD participated in a Mercy Corps and Helvetas event – within the framework of the EU-funded project “Improving migration management in the Silk Routes” – where practical tools developed to support Tajik labour migrants and their families were presented. These included:
- “Handbook on Safe Labor Migration in the Russian Federation”.
- Website www.infomuhojir.tj and mobile application http://infomuhojir.tj/ with practical steps to guide labour migrants through each step of their journey.
- Capacity building and training for over 200 people on migration legislation, provision of quality pre-departure advice and assistance for potential migrants.
- Financial literacy training for over 250 migrant families. Over 70% of those trained were females.
- Establishment of the Migration Resource Center under the Ministry of Labour that will provide migrants with adequate, timely, and reliable information.
The EU-funded projects on “Improving the well-being of labour migrants and their families” and “Reintegration of returning migrants in Tajikistan” were implemented by Helvetas Tajikistan and Mercy Corps Tajikistan. These actions are supported by ICMPD and the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan.