What is the Silk Routes Facility?
The Silk Routes Facility is a capacity-building instrument that supports measures to enhance migration management by providing demand driven technical assistance in ten countries. Its key priority is to support the development and implementation of migration policies, capacity development and institution building. The Facility supports the five Silk Routes Countries as well as five Central Asian countries through two instruments:
1. A short-term technical assistance instrument responds to the emerging needs of Governments related to migration management. It provides on-demand expert support primarily for policy development and capacity building and is flexible to adjust to immediate or arising needs.
2. The instrument for large-scale initiatives is currently funding the implementation of projects in Central Asia and the Silk Routes countries related to enhancing implementation of priorities set out by the Istanbul Ministerial Declaration (Migration and Mobility, Integration, Migration and Development, Irregular Migration, Trafficking in Persons, and International Protection). These projects were selected through a competitive Call for Proposals, which received more than 30 concept notes and 13 full grant applications for funding in the range of 150,000 to 250,000 EUR. The Call for Proposals is now closed.
For more information please consult the most recent fact sheet of the Silk Routes Facility and do not hesitate to contact Facility team here.
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