Migration Awareness, Access to Reintegration and Strengthening Capacities in Iraq (MAARC)

The objective of the MAARC project is to contribute to increased awareness on migration processes, referral mechanisms, and services for outgoing, intending, and returning migrants in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as well as the strengthened capacities of the Government of Iraq and of the Kurdistan Regional Government in migration management, through the launch of the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) in Erbil and the expansion of the approach of the MRC-Baghdad (established in 2020) to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Duration: 14 months (1 October 2023 – 31 December 2024).

Donor: Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

Involved partners: Joint Crisis Coordination Centre of the Kurdistan Regional Government (JCC); Erbil Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (EJCC), Kurdistan Regional Government Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (KRG MoLSA), Kurdistan Region Branch of Ministry of Migration and Displaced (MoMD), technical and vocational training centres, the private sector and local NGOs.

Target groups: Potential, outgoing, and returning migrants, their families, and communities.

Activity location: Erbil

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