

Border Management and Security

Islamabad, 4 September: Two newly equipped and refurbished offices for combating irregular migration were inaugurated at the FIA Headquarters in...

Migration Dialogue

On 26-27th June, over 80 participants from 42 countries and six international entities met in Stockholm, Sweden for the 10th Reference...

Border Management and Security

A cohort of 13 immigration officers from the Federal Investigation Agency stationed at Peshawar airport and Torkham land border crossing...

Return and Reintegration

On 29th May, 120 participants from more than 30 countries and organisations gathered online to focus on the return and...

Legal Pathways & Labour MigrationWorking Group meetings

On 7-8 May, 69 officials and experts representing 28 states and seven organisations gathered in Istanbul, Türkiye for the Budapest...

Border Management and Security

In April, under the Danish-funded project ‘Rights-Based Border Management in the Silk Routes countries’ (RBM-Silk Routes), ICMPD hosted in Baghdad...