Dushanbe, Tajikistan: On 24th September 2021, ICMPD and our Tajikistan MRC took part in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on Achievements in the sphere of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population During the Period of Independence organised by the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan. This high-level conference was attended by some of the great minds from Tajik academia who presented their scholarly works and reports on the changing trends of internal and external migration in Tajikistan since the day of its independence.
The one-day long conference was dedicated to the presentation of various issues, challenges, opportunities and the potential related to migration that have had both a direct and indirect impact on the economic and social life of the Tajik population throughout the 30 years of Tajikistan’s independence. Discussions at the conference revolved around four different themes related to labour, migration, employment of the population, as well as vocational and adult education. Each of these themes were moderated by the deputy ministers of MoLMEP.
The conference was also attended by the representatives of various international organisations such as ADB, UNICEF, IOM, GIZ, ILO, FAO and ICMPD. These are some of the most prominent organisations in Tajikistan that have so far had various active projects with a focus on migration. In addition to providing brief information on their latest projects on labour migrants, representatives of the organisations had also presented reports on relevant themes. ICMPD representatives presented reports on Safe, orderly and legal migration in Tajikistan and Results of the study on the information needs of migrants traveling abroad and the tasks of the Migrant Resource Centre in Dushanbe. The reports and presentations that were given drew participants’ attention to the current information needs of existing and potential labour migrants which led to fruitful discussions during the thematic sessions.
Our MRC in Tajikistan is funded by the European Union and implemented by ICMPD.