new Equipment for Technical Training Centres in Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh: This week the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has handed over equipment to 10 Technical Training Centres (TTCs) in Bangladesh. Composed of laptops, finger print scanners and cameras, the equipment will be used by the TTCs to perform specific pre-departure services for migrant workers such as registration and fingerprinting.

Md Shamsul Alam, Director General of the Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training which supervises the TTCs, was the chief guest. He acknowledged the importance of the TTCs in the migration process and appreciated the support of ICMPD. The 10 TTCs supported are located in districts that have no District Employment and Manpower Office (DEMO). In November, the DEMOs started to open the pre-departure registration again which had been suspended due to COVID-19. In the 10 districts, the TTCs will conduct the registration process.

The activity is supported by the European Union through MIGRAP, one of the flagship initiatives of the project Improving Migration Management in Bangladesh. Before the hand-over, through another project supported by Germany, ICMPD conducted a series of training and mentoring sessions for the TTCs on various migration related topics. Several information materials are currently being developed by ICMPD and the Migrant Resource Centres based on the suggestions by the TTCs, for distribution to the public.


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