7th Ministerial Conference and the the Budapest Process Ministerial Declaration and Call for Action 2025-2030
The 7th Budapest Process Ministerial Conference was held in November 2024 and saw the endorsement of the Budapest Process Ministerial Declaration and its accompanying Call for Action 2025-2030. These texts will shape the next five years of the Dialogue in terms of its thematic priority areas and practical scope.
The event was hosted by Hungary, the co-chair of the Dialogue and chaired by the Hungarian Minister of Interior, Dr Sándor Pintér. The conference convened 20 Ministers and Deputy Ministers, as well as high-level representatives from 13 international organisations, a testament to the enduring relevance and strategic importance of the Dialogue.
This political declaration and action plan build upon the achievements of the 2019 Istanbul Commitments, while considering the migratory developments that have occurred in recent years. The priority goals endorsed at the Ministerial Conference are as follows:
- Prevent irregular migration and fight against migrant smuggling, reinforcing cooperation in border management, criminal investigations, and prosecutions.
- Strengthen pathways for legal migration and mobility, enhancing existing policies and cooperation on labour mobility.
- Strengthen international, regional, and bilateral cooperation for safe, effective, and prompt return, readmission, and sustainable reintegration.
- Strengthen the positive impact of migration on development, while addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement.
- Ensure international protection and respect of the rights of refugees and people in need of international protection, promoting durable solutions in line with international law.
- Support the integration of regular migrants, refugees, and those in need of international protection, countering racism, extremism, discrimination, and xenophobia.
Main Outcomes and Guiding Principles
Ministerial Declarations and Action Plans outline the strategic direction of the Budapest Process and lead to the fulfilment of the Dialogue’s main outcomes. The Action Plans inform the structure and content of Budapest Process activities, whether that be through the work of the Thematic Working Groups, the facilitation of further political dialogue, or expanded operational cooperation. The Action Plans also serve as a foundation for the development of new projects within the Budapest Process Regions.