The Chairmanship of the Budapest Process, in line with decisions from Ministers or Senior Officials, ensures that the dialogue moves forward, that it stays politically anchored and that relevant issues are discussed at the appropriate levels. The Chair speaks on behalf of the Process and ensures coordination with other relevant fora. The Chair advises on ways to incorporate regional changes in migration and governance dynamics into the thematic focus and activities of the dialogue.
Reflecting the evolving dynamics of the dialogue and the changing migration picture in the region, Türkiye took over the Chairmanship of the Budapest Process from Hungary in January 2006. Hungary chaired the Budapest Process from 1993 to 2006. Hungary remains the Co-Chair of the Budapest Process and works in cooperation with the Turkish Chair.
Senior Officials
Senior Officials from Budapest Process participants and observer states serve as the main decision-making body which steers the Budapest Process strategically since 1993. The Senior Officials also review the work achieved in the past year and provide advice on cooperation opportunities that could be explored. This applies to governance and strategy related matters in most cases as well as to the negotiations on Ministerial Declarations.
Reference Group Rapporteur
The Reference Group, which was set up in 2021, supports the Chairmanship and strengthen the link between meetings and development of operational opportunities for deepened engagement for the dialogue. Sweden currently serves as the Rapporteur of the Reference Group since its inception.
The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) serves as the Secretariat of the Budapest Process and in this role, it provides strategic, content and administrative support to the Turkish Chair and the Hungarian Co-Chair in their leadership of the process. Furthermore, it serves as a coordinating body for all participating countries and offers administrative and substance support when needed.
ICMPD was tasked to be the Secretariat of the Budapest Process in 1994.
The structure of the Budapest Process Governance is laid out in the 2013 Istanbul Ministerial Declaration.